Encyclopedia of Psychology
Resources on measurement, assessment, and testing. links to iq tests and standardized psychological assessments.
2h.com IQ Tests
2h.com IQ Tests
List/Rating Online IQ Tests
Welcome to the world of iq tests (intelligence tests). how smart are you? what are your strengths and weaknesses? test your iq free now!
Open Directory IQ Tests
Open Directory IQ Tests
Uncommonly Difficult IQ Tests
Difficult iq tests designed by ronald k. hoeflin -- the mega test, the titan test, and others.
SelfGrowth IQ Tests
Iq and eq tests are used to score of one’s intelligence and emotional intelligence, respectively. these tests describe an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage problem solving and emotions. the following internetsites for iq & eq tests ha
Yahoo! Directory IQ tests
Yahoo! reviewed these sites and found them related to intelligence quotient > iq tests